Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

~~rt.z. Cap. I. ~Jflit!ed Confcienccs. 83 man wilfully to abandon the one, and willingly to embrace the other, thqt he may bee rid de cf. ies rage. Hence it wai, that Jucl.u preferred an ~alter and hell, before his prefent horrom: ~ . T~~~ Sp.ira, (aid oft~n, ( whaf heart qilakes,not to heare It?) - tha~Jw~ env-~ed cc) s· d' . . . r. t! •. . d1 d'' . h' .. h . f l . .tpt t:XItm,e,•• (e) Cam,~Saul, an ft tU: Wl~ mg p~t q:r ':111)' 9 t1e1r ciffi'mtt1 .Spira,fe inviroomes, m the dungeon of tbe damn~q, than to have dere {ai;zo, Sauto & ·his poore heart fo reht'in pieces with fuch raging ter- JJed.-e.Ibi~._p:Jg. 31. ·rours and fiery defiperations upon 'his bed of,·death. Optar~ (e mlo~o Iud.e - ' . · . .· . · · . · · · ' · & Camzef!e. Ibtd.p.38 -whereupon at another ume be1ng ( f) aske~. . Wl)e- Rs ilia bord immiftt. ther he feared more fearefull tor¥Jents after th~sJife_ : 'De~ in cor cj~vtrYes, fa id he : but I defire nothing more, then to be in-mem. ~orro~ertt~m? ig- } th~t place,where I fhall ~x~eq: ~o mor~·- Expe(tati-o·n, z~m ~~extmgutbzle_m. as It.feemes11 of future, d1d mfimtely aggravate apd en- d·'pheorlrot~e. co 1 nflbufi?1 'e• • • . , .... ~ . ' .t ' a tone u tto re• rag~ :hts already 111t9ferabl~ tort?re. , , . , . , ·pterctur. ~i v~rmu ... ·5. . The Heathens, who had .no fuller fight of the· & igniJ 1zunqui:lm ex· . fouiendfe of finhe, ' or ·more fminting fenfe of divine inde iUum derelique • ·· ven.geance for it than the light of naturall confcience Yll'f!t,Titft longe detcri- 'd d 1: • h . onznft,, tucf!ete/letur .was a~le to a!for an ~epre1ent ,~nto t em ; yet ~e~e quam Ji [eparata a cor- .. ~~pt )n fichon to fh~dow out ~n fome fort, ·and.mtl- pore anima, cum Iuda, mate unto us~ ' th~ i'nfuff.:rable extremities of a minde Cai'!o & ctetcru damtroubled in tnis.kinde; by hellifh furies,following ma- ~atu e(Set.: dejideran~ lefad:ors with burning fire-brands J and flames of tor- ~ ldoc~,cuJt«[v~ mot~ 1,111 h d 11. d' ll . bJ . v· a otlll I Cyepo 1/tS• ture : W at un mg t en IS a e to concen.:e, or qudm fie in corpore tongue 1to report, 111 what cafe that finfu!! ~onfC1ence vivere. I&id. pag. 43 • :mufi needs be, 'wheri it is opce awakyned ; which, be- AfSerebat, vim-n~?n i~u fid<=s the notions of naturall light, hath alfo, the fill! ~fden!e!, ~ tt:,~te~ "S ' · f G d c. d ·d d h h' h mextmvbUm ztct cordZ& unne o o s Jacre Wor , an t at pure eye,w lC pmctra/ia exedm &o .is tenne thoufand ti~~s b_righter ~han ~he Sunne, and adt~rere,ut tonge ji; de- · cannot looke Jlpon Intqmty, to Irradiate and enrage tereorfit~ conditioqua it to the height of guiltineffe, and depth of horrotir ~ ve~ Ca;m vei]ud<t,& . ' · qmdim malle fe jam , · mortuum &damnatis . tffe,qua~ i~ ha~ vi_ta talibU& premianguftijs. . . Nicol._L3urent. in Alexipharmaco advcrfus ~fpe1 at1o_~1 s petlern. pag 3 t. <9 N ourp.t.antaque mt~frogabant, ecquid fut terDs pofi h,1Nr; 'IIJI~m mma t~J acerb10rcs ,~ut maJom p_cfttmefierct, qua~ a6ibuc m hac !uce fontirtt? .fi!3i- : bU5z(k,foJ! qusdem l~ge dtsrzor~,&gr~v;ora.c%petlare,& - ]am, velut perhorre{cere,nlhiltalntll ., ._ reqm; e:rpetere, ac ~ejider~re qrmn_ut eo tanrlem a_bducarur ,quo ,um venifTet ~mhil ipfi gra~illt pemmeftendumfimt. Ibid. pag. 88-. S•TheHeathensthoughtitfo. ·' F 4 · Both