Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

... THE .J3 P I S T L E ; and Blowers up of Parl~aments _, as former· ·Hifl:ories never heard of. Thus, when men of Phte, a·nd imployme~t, mighty and:reniatt<e ..: a}Jle ih the ·w?rld, 'improove the utmofr pof~' fibilities of their Wit and Arr) :of all their Naturall~ and acquired Parts,- to ferve '-their owne turnes, and attaine -their private· ·ends i to rife, reve:1ge, · gro\v .rich ; ·o.r ·more imme... . iliately by- fome .fpecia11 fer¥ice ; to' advance the Kingdome of d<uke.neffe, __ aqd. dominion, of · v1 ntichr. R ~. 0 the Luciferi'an pride, the injufiice~ the crudtie, the Machiavellifme; the putting of faire pretences upon pdlilent. Plots ; the drowning of innoce11cy in ·the Depths of State ; the craftie and .mercileffe: prdfures of Gods People, and thofe, ovet whom they domineere ! It is ·then aworke o~ great Weight and W orthineffe, to winne a · great man-to the wayes of God. Hereby the common ftate of goodnef-Ie is p1ightily fireng--; ihened; and which is an equall happindfe, the Devils fide goes downe, and Belials · the head. For according to the eminency of his Gifts, and grearneffe of Plac~,is the ~xcd~ lencie of good; or exceife of ill, that He dorh~ It were to bee wi!hed therefore, if God fo · pleafed, that -all the incurable, aPd 1mpla.. cable· enemies to the grace of G o r.- ~ goo.d men, and ·power of godlineffe, we1t' Dunces and Fooles ; that they might cot bP::' a.hle to fn:mage their malice and powet\ wic:h [~:;eh Depths and ·dexterity, to the mort. dar:gerous ur.der~