Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

•. . q InjlruClioni for a right cDmfortiltg Seel. I, · (P) Beatc 'lJiverc, fiue m_ortall, and murtallJ immo-a.lll(, . ( P) as one of the An· · pei· ~mum,{ive pe~futr ctents fpeakes. It lives to death, avd 4Jes talifo : ne"~: er p!tcmm perdtt antma : · fi t 1' fi d h ' h · f d' E.!fentia/Jta auttm z•i- 11~ ate o 1 cor . eat , y~t ever ;n t, e pat_nes o .e~th, vet-e, ncr'tper z~tium, a~rd .t!1e per~ettuty .of ll~e;. Its aeath u oever-hvmg, Neq~<~t pa(upp:mum a- and 1t s end u ever m 6egmnmg : Death mthont death · m_itt;t_• ..Aq!eati~~;e t·J!nd -without end: Ever in the pangs ofdeath, and ne: mm ;;tve~dtdeficz. ,fed ver dead : not able to dye nor endure the paine : Paine omntmodo fub(t~endl ·d. l ' : . . inwitum t:ec moriens excee tng not one y~ all pattenc:,. but all refiftance: fo ltit .vt ergo brevim No O:rength to fufiatne, nor abthty to beare, that dixerim, ~ immorta- which hereafter, whilefl: God is God, for ever mufi be }ttcr r:zort~lu~fl, ~borne. _ What a prodigious Bedlam cruelty is it then . ';;0;:;:~:~~~~.7~~~:;: for a man, by lifi:ning t.o the Syre.~-fongs of this falfe .Anima& mortaliseffe world, t~e lewd.e motions of Hts owne treachero~ iutelligitur, & imi!!Jat- heart, or the: Devtls defperate counfell, to embrew Hts taf~ . Mott~!is quipp~. han·ds in the bloud of his owne everla~ing foule, amf ql!uz.beattv$~e,eamlt to make it to dye eternally? For a little paltry pleafure t:t; 1mmortahs autem, f f< b · r-' d tt I··n. ·d fl · · h· h 0 quia effentialitervive- o ?me a1e a1~ ro en uu.,an eermg vamty, w. IC t·e ?tJ~nquamdefinit,& pafreth away m the ad, asth~tafl:e ofplea£mt dnnke naturtt{utevitam per- dyeth in the draught, to bring upon it in the other ~ere non v~let,noec &Hm world;torments without e~d,and beyond all coinpafie zn perpetuafuerzt m,or- of conceit ? And his madneflC·is the more, becaufe bete e&.mnata-~a e:r fid - . , · . 1. · ·c> l · · 0 bl recogitNr[emperut & 1 · es Its tmmorta tty, Ht DOU e IS mcompara y more mortem flnemorte; & worth, than the whole W,odd.1he very knfitive Soule defetlum fi'!e d~feilu, of a little, taith (q) !Aujlin truly, iltmr~ excellent ~ J;,;em fine fm.epa- than the S11nne : How ought wee then to prtze and ttatltr : quatenus e: & r... · c. r. .h...n. ·d· ~2· b'- , marsimmortali4 fit, & preK:rve IJ:O!lllmne~ , ou~ lilnu.Quan tng,; rca1ona »;; defetltU indtj11iens, & Scqles, wluch make us m tbat rdped, bke unto the (mu inftnitw. Idem. Angel$ of God ? ~iaJ. L,ib. 4· cap. :H! g. Ninthly, what an horrible thing is finne, whotc Ss& morzt ntllr damnau · _ ut femper vivant, & fie t-ivenl ut femptr m,;alltur. !ern. de Dignir. onim~. R.a1ii'ZJi(&Nnt , 6d mmem, moriuntur atl 11i1a1n. .( q) M.ufoa [ote p1·.t~antisr. Si for it lurllats a me qu- ~ J'trmt , nu>n etiam mufote animam buic luci pr~~tflarecelf[erem, refimzderem, etiam: nee me terrerct mufo.1,qu0d par'Va eft, fed quOd viva, fir~~Jartl. !<.f!~~tritutenim,IJUid i'lla membr;~ t llm tXif,J~il vegttct, quid hue, Altplt iUM& pro natur~tlia1tttit•lantillum corp11{culumduciZt, qllid cum mu ptdes in numerum mo11eaf; quid 'Volanti4 ptnM!iliU modertt11r, ll& vibrtt ? ~oil IJUale&unque e{J b.eni eonfilttrantillfl4, in ta111 parmo t.m mAgnu• tmintt, Nt cuiviJ /ulgol'i ptrftiingcnti .oc~tlos pr.tfrt'llllft· . A~uft, Li•• de wabua .Animabus con et~ 9• Mofthorrible/o · · o • - .waight