Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part. 2. Cap. s. AffliCied C onfcimcn •. . • weight, an Omnipotent!l:rength,.which cloth ni!l:aine the whole Frame of the wodd, 1s not able to bearer Almighty God compla~nes Jfa•. I. 14· even or Fhe Sacrifices, and orher fervu:es of hts owne people, when they were performed with ppllutefl hearts ; a:nd p~o-: reffes, that Hee w.u weary.tq 6ear~ fhm; .. A!ld howvll.C is it,th!t !l:irs up in the deardl: and irioft compaffionate bowels of the All-mercimll God~ fhch in'iplacable an~ ger, that threw downe fo many glorious Angelicall fPirits, who might have done f1im fo hign honour for 1 .~3 ever in the higbe!t he~v~ns, into the b~ttome of He11; there mofr juf!:ly to continue devils' .and in extremefr torment everlafringly? Ca!l: all mankinde out of His · Ely~ur, and fro~n ::~ll.fe.!kity fC?r 11d~m~· q_n~1e? . catifed Mi h Htm, who dellghte.thmme:r,ry, to.createall theaffltch- ea · 7·IS~ ing· rni{(;rks in Hell i eterna~l flames,' flreames ofOrimfhme, ~chaines of dar~r1elfe;gna'{}_ling of teeth,, a',Lal<e· of fire, the ·bottomlefie Pit, and.all thofe horrible tor... ments 'there ?. And tha~ which cloth a,rgue, and yet further amplifie, _the-impl~cab_Ienelfe and depth'of div.jne , ,, i1~dignation· ; tHe irifiniterieife of fiimes provocation,.. · and .defert :. Tophet . is fa id to be ordainedof old: Ever.:. lf:.aiah ; o._ W · ~ajling fire to 'he'e prepf'red for'the DeviO, and I;Iu <!An- Matth. :z.f•i 1 " geb: As ifthe All-powerfull wifedome did deliberat~;,. and as it wer~ fit .dowqe, and d~vife all fringing ter..: · · ~ible ingreqien'ts; :a ternper ofgreatell torture to: ,in~<: ' ~~at. dread full ·. fire~· .\le}lfL~ . pa~ef, ~~ll fierce ~n? ra~ gt!lg, and a fit m!l:rt:!ment for the J\l~t<;eoff) great and•_ mtghty a G ·o n to _torment etern'ally all impenitent rep_r?oate Reb9~.; 'Q~d' _is th~:F~ther:4 ~p.i~t~)- ~, o~r:·' . · ... ~oules ~e; the ~mmeiha!f Crea~10~ of Ht~ Alm~ghue: (r)E/l atttem petcatum· Ba!ld; ~ana yet :tq every one that goet,h on.tmpemtent- bominiJ· mordinah1 • Jy m hts t'retpa[es• . Hee~ llath appofnted,.as it w~re·_a ·at~ per.,mfit((~ , id e{t.· three!bld Hell•. There are three things confiderabk in a pr~fla;~timcondit~- . finne ~ I. (r) Averfion fromari infinite ·(overai'gne un~ rea-'?erfi~,& adcor:d; -.. ...1 (;h bl d C .r:. - ' • ' ta ~nfeHortt: converfit~ · I' . angea e goo · : z. or;wemon to a finttc,.mutable,. Au<>• ad 8-impliciaO: momenta-ny g(lod :. 3-· Continuance in tnefame. To' Lib~I.qoz..pag.s1-x . thefe