Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part. I. Cap.~. cYljflif1ed Confciencet. from our 1\Jligion both to Popery, and ~nabap:ifme, or pthir points of flparation -in fome parts of thu King-- dbme · q;And conljderinO" with much admiration, •trhat ' 'J' <!> • mifht 6ce the caufe thereof, efPecial!y in the 'Rjtigne of fuch a King, who doth fo conftantly profof{e Himfelfe an opal adverfary to the [uper{iition of th~ One, andmadnefftr o} the other; Hu Princely wifedome could fa_ll upon n(J One greater probability, than the lightnejfe, ajfeCfednejfe, and unprojita6lenejfe of that kf:nde of preaching, which hath biene of late yeares too much ta~n up in Court, - Vniverjity, (ity, and Country. The ufoall fcope, of ve- _ !rJ -many Preachers u noted, to hee a fottring up in Point~· , of Divinity too deepe for the .capacitJ of the people; or tt mttjfring up of much reading ; or a difil1Jirtl of their owne Wits,. &c. Now thepeople 6red up Wit}J thu kjnde of teaching; ~tndnever inftruCledin the catechtme,andfundamenta/1 grounds if ~ligion, are(or all thu aiery nouri./11· ment no better than abrafa: Tabulr, meereTab!e Book£s , ready to &e fitted up;Nther with the t/vtanuals, and (atechifme.r of the Popifo PrieJJ:j·, or the Papers and'Pamph-_ let.r of Anabaptijh·, &c• . In another place_, he refembles with admirable fit-- neffe tl!e unprofitableneffe pompe, ~nd painting offuch Selfe-feeking difcourfes, -patched together and lluft with ·a vaine-glorious variety of humane allegations, to theredandb!ew flowers, that pejferthecorne, ~henit .ftandi in the fields ; where they are more noy[ome to the 2,rowing crop, rhan beautiful! to the beholding e,ye. They a!e King Jame.r his owne (z) words. Whereupon, a . (~) In the PreF.tce to lmle after, he tels the Cardinall; That it wM no deco- lu~ Remonfirance a.. rum to enter the StageWitb a Pericles, in hu mouth, /;ut , f!amfi an_Oration of with the r"c d N -f G d . N n. u h - L . din.. the Cardmall of 'Pe-r.. . .J"' re. ame o o • or J'JOUea u or vu:p, ron. 1 Sa:th hts MaJefry , have marfoal!ed the paf{age of a _ _ ~oya{/ Prophet, and ( a) Poet, after the example of an (•)'~idfacmi 'mn heathen Oratour : . P[atte,-ie HQra titiA l . Thefe things being {o ~· how pefrilent is the Art of Cui'IJ Euangelvs J'r!aro? S · · ' Crlm--.ApojtQ/is G'uero ~ Plrltuail pawbing ?_ What mi{erabl~ men are Men~ l-llcron. • L 2.. plea~rs,