Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

.. - -.:----- 160 lnflmClions for a right~omforting . ·Set'l;. z.. ri-eafers, who being appointed 'to helpe mens Soulesout ofhell, carry them headlong, and hood-winkt by their un£1ithfulneffe and Batteries towards everlafhng Faith'"ull dealing miferies? .Oh, how much better w_ere it, and comfor- . I Commcnded tt()Ul (b) arms, vel-Angeloru table for every man that enters upon, and undertakes, bumeris (ormidandurn that mofi: waighty and dreadfult charge of the MiniNcq; enimnobi1 hi~ !·~s fiery ,a ( b·) burden, as fome bf the Ancients elegantlyefi, deducendis mllzu- amplifie it, able to tbake the fhoulders of the mo£1: b/t>j aut de regno gttbn- · 1 11 • fh · · k .J • d 1 za; 1da,[eadcfim!Jione m1g1tyAr1ge mHeavei1-to rln eunuertt,.totrea .tiilgelic.e 7.1irt1tt~ indi - in the fieps of blem~d · ( c) Paul; by ujing no .ftattcrin£ gente.Chry. de Saccr- wordJ, nor a cloaks_ of cov-etoufnefJc, nor ftek};ng g!orydmio;lib. 6. of men ; but preaching in feajon, and out ofJeafon ; not (•) 1 Thef.:..s-, 6 • M the Scri6o, . hut in the dem1njlrtttion of th'e Spirit, ._ 2. Tim 4·~· d f b Matth. 7 • 29 , 11n o power; Keeping -nothing bacf<! that u projita le, J Cor. 2 4 • declaring unt:O their hearers .all the c.ounfo/1 of f]od; A\'ls 20 :.o, tS. helditig the Spirituall children whiCh God bath gtven J Ther: '-· T9 • :.~. them, their g!ory,joy, ancfcrownc'of-rejo,ycing-, frill wat·- ~2t~-~~~:J~::::e~~~~ chin,'!; for the SouleJ' of th:ir floc~s tf.& they tha~ mu.ft give· ':!{am illi vigitailt p,o account, f/eb. q. 17. (The terrot~r of wh1ch place, . mzimab!£5 vefiril -- (.J} Chry[offome profelli:th, made Ins heart to t:_rembl~)· l:luju<~ (Bmminatio~~ I fay by fuch holy and heavenly behaviour,. as 'this, in term . anzv:um m•bz their ~Yiii1ifrery; To be able at le_afl: to fay with him in concuttt. Ibtd. fi -· · h fi k 1 1 c ( ' ) I (<) ACts 20 , 2..6. , m~erl:ty, . not Wlt out un pea eao ecomrort : e · 1 t.akg jou to record .this Day, tl:iat I am- pure from the btvud vf:allmm! . Vet t~ bee mmred:t6 ~his.courfe aitd frighted from the cpntrary; -·by CG11ttt1ttration of the different e'ff.:cts and· confequer1ts 'of plaiLi.e dealit'1g,and. dawbing :in refpea 'ofcornfort ~or confu!ion ::Faithful1 t~ erfecl-s. J ·. Convettir.g the unconverted ndfe this way :. · · · I. B~gets -thofe which 1belarrg utito God to grace at1<i ne>.w obedience:~ Se-e. <hteiJ· . piercing .Sermon,ACl-~ z.. ig, 37·'-' .' ... ' . . ·, . . z, Recovering the fal- . 2_. Recovers tho'fe ChriG:ians; which ~re driven, by lmc remorie a.nd .repentance, to W:tejr former forwardnes; and nrfr love; SeeN atharu downe~right ~caling with ?.!• Milking rhe,wilfull :!G>MJid :. z S<.am. ~:'t ;7, r·g; ' · · ' . · · xr.ex-curabJe. · 3~ M-akes thofc wilk!otb~ refonned~ in ex.. . •, ---- - -- - -- '" cu~ble. ' ........ _ .. t-- -.1