Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

DE DlCATOR. I l3. garding _their owne outward-klicit~e. ':Vithout tbis celeftiall Load--fiar, to fieere artght tn all affairs,there wil ever be fomwarping .A great man, a frien1, an enemy· 1 feare, cowardlineffe, affection, faCtion, partialitie, covet_oufne!fe, malice, or fometbing, ·will certainly fway, and tranfport awry. But now,:t godly Ma~,b~fides his prefenc~ (-n) exemplary precedency m p1ety, and prayers~ (n)~i ettw·os digni. which ae ever pleafino- and prevailing with God·, t~te pr~tfl(lt&11!!t~•- · ·1 d' r h fb · Plo · h · . . & h rztau, tlebtt IJUlJtl'fl't· t ;e 11c arge o . IS aceWlt mtegnty · trut ., tiam m Deun: improving induftrioully all opportunities, high cffu!gm., quo .c.eteru f.wours interefi: in great Ones and utmofi poili-exemp~~~ fit·. t:zttuw• " . . ' o ' . coltntii-&divmlt man- .billtie ever.y. w:ty to advance Gods glory, pro- data q•v~t?di. Cyr• mote good ,caufes, protetl: good Men; He may Alcx l&b,~ . mloan. 41fo by obferving the calmnes of aRoyall countenance, ,and openndfe of a Princely eare unto him,wifely and humbly fuggefl: fome things,and fpeake thofe words for the publike good, and good of Religion, whereby not onely a King- .dome, but the whole Chrifiian World may fare the better. Vpon thefe, and the like grounds,' I hold it an high happineffe, and great honour, to have an hand in working fpirimall 'good tlpon thofe excellent tpirit<;, which hold high Roornes, .or fi<nd in ne2re attend:mce unto mighty Princes And ~y this time, you eafily difcerne my drift;, and nghtly :tpprehend the top of my ambition ··· in th!s de~ication: even to doe your Soule good. Whtch ts much more worth than the Whole Wudd, and mufi never dye. To which I conceived a do~e opened, when it pleafed you, in more than ordmary manner, to manifeft yonr liking, . Af' ;md