Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

( q) precept for it; and yet profdfeth, that the ( q)vnde & ep~fiopum cdread fulne!fe ofthofe words, Heb ·13 .17. For necef?e cfl, i 11 jiilgutos, the'~~~ ;watch for jour Joules, tU they that muff give ut (i dicam;dic~femen· J . d;d ··fr ok· 0 • • • h. h . tcm face re: ut 1p(a (a f. dccor;rtt, · 1 · n e agre~t~errour mto ts _, eatt, tema(Juetudinedottri· :fhould make all"GodsMtmfkrs refolve, to !foe "~~t, serm~ne_H4 tt_udi· · J • 1r 1 ll. b d . d' · ~ h tormn a111m1 retmere not 1mg e 1e.a mou, ·ut,re:l e, ~1e, preac , poji.l'lt.De Sac:er.liboG .and pray. Wherefore,Nob~eStr,lfuall hav,e my (r)Sane! .An!i&a TJit.s full defirc and utmofi end 1fyou be but pleafed per fe ~ftfl~tus Deo f'la· ' . h I' 11. f h l o ' cens, mterz»J t 11 rsen e[t . ·to make rnee the appy nurument o e ptng vi~.- gemu tubri,u, pe· you towards Heaven; and give me leave to gain riculosu, a~ vari~tapf! thisadvantagp foryoudipirituall aood by your bus obno:uJtm i mquo ~ • 0 • 0 ' _ mult/J {ittnt contr~ love unto ·my Mmtfienall Labours ; that they Crcatore>propter eo~~ may thereby leave a more l<indly and deeper (ervantium bumamun . ~ .. h fi ' f h l {avorem.Jn Aulu pr.c• unpren10ll :m your app;e em lOll~ 0 eaven y cipuc nrgotiu[UJejt Sa. things; and worke wtth more hfe and power, tan;~ bjicit[pectra~if. for a found erection and fure fetlino- of the g~·at~ & (avoru prm. 0 • ' • • • • t3 . c.p.f/u,ut tJ{demexter. Kmgdome of le[us chrtff m your owne foule! riti Atdi&i. omittant y ou fiand in a( r ) flippery place, . tho you frand f ad_enda , & .fi:ciant .. h r f h . 0 h 0 ll. D fc . d f . h omJttenda ~~ rn Au- m t e pr~1e.nce o t emtg tlen e en . er o 1' e t4 c9njtanseft in veri~ true Rehgton, of any Monarch ·under Heaven. tat~co~fiffionc_,& t~· For ,altho Satan ·be mo!l: folicirous .and fiirrino- fiztJ .e ov(Crvam~~z lle . !' , b eandem cum (Jm~IJ 0 0 • • • 0 • ~xper!tur (ortem , qui . rn AulaPontl{i&u & Her1du conwn~tru , tf1u(U4 ·& percuflus [u1t . !J!.!p mettculo/~ ef~. & in gratiam MagnalUIIJ d regula verit.ati& & jufliti.e reccdit , i>fo.cilimei n .tbnegatio1zem' chri.· fti incidu; Gerl.J rd in "-l armo. hill. E v an .- c.~. fn Aula,qvo quu corruptior-mol'ibm~aut cor• yumpcntimo m1merib~, 'tit beatibr; .Saris1 Jur . In ,Poli ;: rar. Bun. was wonno c.ol.riplai rie ; rhat tiJeCourt fcw ved(u&b.&.'rfei'C good,obut made chem bad. Cur a k'~n/Js /fcili~d recip~rc. IJ itam fa,ere con[uewt. p[,trcs m· ea defw([e bonor, quam 'J'Jalos prefw({e preb,;vrmii-So De Con!ld.t.4.c.4 Majorne' effc poteritJPes noflra in Pa!atio • quam ut tt.mici Jmpe[aturu fimH41 Et ibi quid non fragi/g,pfmMm/h periculiJ ; E. t per quot perimla pervenittn ad grandir~ pericu~ l~tm? Augull Conf 1. 8. c. 6, Hosenim i oflls~ quos beavit , per·did;t . 0 How gloriuufly chcn d~tl'l ~Io{ep~. a ]onath11.n, a Daniel, a Mmlcw, a '!'{.chem}ab;an Hcfteraan Eb~d dll(~f~ ~ lhme ma K1ags Court, · . · · . -.A. 4 · in . . . __ J , _ ___,