Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

8 Jnjfrulfions for aright tomforting Sect x•. lHh Seas .to fwallow up the Spaniih invincible Arri1aJ do : And which is none of the leaft wonders, It ·brought Prince Charles out0f Spaine. A doubt ~ncerning But you inftance, may fotpefay, in extraordinary the perfons praying examples of extraordinary men,endowed \vith an ex· traordinary fpirit. Is removed. Yet {ure_I am, they are regifl:red by the ~oly GhoO:, ' to reprefent unto us, aad .to all generations of the Church to the Worlds end, the Almighty and wonder-working power of prayer. AnJ I am as fare, that if· , ~ ., the Petitioners were men * fohjef1 to iik$ pajfions M wee • H.\rat rJJ~_;)p,tu'lf'C' 1~~' are, Perhaps, if thou be a true-hearted NathaHaei, QIMIO'!J'tt~~ »fUI'o r: h b" h h ll. 1'. d• lames S· 7 . •t_nce t y new Irt , t ou wau. never 10 extraor tnartly paffionate, as lonab was, when out of apang of . !l:range difiemper, h~thus anfwered the mighty Lord Ionab 4· 9• ot Heaven and Earth : I doe well to be angry, even unto R r. 1 h hC h de4th. . . . . . wh~chi~ :We:~u~tt Fourthly? ~ods Favoriteis further furni!hed with l' an other fptr~tuall weapon of Impregnable temper, ( )) F • 1 • • bl and incredible might. I meane Faith, (F) the very P an liS one.y a e p -- d A. f 1 --_ d r U . r. d ro performe {Mlnt{Se of ower, an . rme 0 vO ror a true JOY, 19Un . CO?I• ' joJ. and con(ta.ncy of fort, and ltghtfomnclfe at the heart-root 111 this life. content, in the midll This crowned Empercffe of all thole Heavenly graces, ' of the changes, wanes that dwell in the Soulc: of a fanctified man · and whieh cclipfes and_fuls of all in a right renfe may bee (aid vertually to ~ornprehend cxternall thmgs; .:md . . that or1e day u well all the beautte, !l:rcngth, excelLency and power of :as another, 'through~ Chrifl: himfelfc J is truly ('l) viCtorious, and trium- ~ut the c::Htrfe or .a phant, (r) over all the Worl4; () overthe very gates mans life m that bu• of Hell and :ill the ~V~~Wers of darkndiC • (t) over the tude and extent whe-r. . 1 .. ll. a' r-·( ) h d ' . fl f o£ this liL is ,;pable. Dtve s .fierc~u. arts; 11 overt e . evounng arnes o w.ard. the ragtng fire , (x) .over the_roarmg fury of the moft ( ~ ) t'rcdenti 1m~ndrt4 , . , &11111 pt·i11cife DiabtJ!o, mors, infernu~, p_tccatu-_,qut ~ra ludibria [Mnt, IN dicere pof(t.t tum 'Paulo, 'C.JbHu/14, 0 miJrs, .aculttu.? Vm tun,· ~njtrt111 'fii#tJria r n~.or. 15, 5$ , Habtteni111 ip{e 'ot;traomnia. b~c, qu.: 'ttterisbonibWa ~ i-!1pwabilia font. pitlo:·iam per lJomin:1m /fum 'Chrifium in qutm tredit ~ c"i adh.eret et- ;.; titt~r. Naogeor. (r) J Iohn 5· 4 , (I) Matth.x6.x8. ,(t) Eph.6.J6. (U) Hcb.U.34· ex )Hcb.u.;;. .... ... hungry I I