Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

- l{lj/rttClio'ns for aright coriforti~tg Sect. 1. -- · - ---- teares, in following feathers, pnrfuing fhadowes,rayfing bnbblee ami _balls, like tho{e wl:lich Boies out of fpittle and fope in their pafrimes, blowing wp with their quills, ere they bee totTed three times, bnrfr of themfelves; I meane worldly vanities, but in d-e meane time fuffers his immortall Soule, more worth than many materiall Worlds, arid for which, Bee cttn give nothing in exchange, to abide all naked, defiitute ami-empty, utterly unfurnifhed of that comfortable provifion, and gracious firength, which fhould fupport it in the day of forrow; and leaves it at lafl: - t<:> th~ tempefl:uous Winter night of death, and all thofe defperate terrours that attend it ; like a fcorched lleath ground without fo much as any drop of corn~ fort, either from heaven or earth. c H A P. Vlii. The fecond fort ofpeople 11 IJee rtpr~oved, which Are ftnfua!ifts. The ftr.ft confideration to reforme -them. 2 . The fenfitalifis who iltould conftder. 2. Second fort, worfe than the for.. mer, are fuch, as are fo farre from treafu:ring up in this ' time of light, and mercifull vilitati· on, foundne{fe of knowledge, frrength effaith, purity of heart, clearene~ of confcience, holinetfe of life,alfurance of · Gods favuur, contempt of the world ; many £mCl:ifi.. ed Sabbaths, fervent -prayers, holy conferencts, heavenly Meditations, dayes '?f humiliation, righteous dealings with their brethren,compaffionate coJtributions to the neceffities of the Saims, Workes of Iu£Hc:e, Mercy and Truth, a fincere refpett to ~ G o D s Comm.andements, a carefull performance of all