Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part. I. Cap. S. .. eAffii£led (onfiiences. all fpirituall Dut.ies, .a co·tJfciona~l~ partaking of a~I Gods Ordinances ,a-fc:afon<~ble exerc1fe of every grace, hatred ofall falfe wayes,an ·hearty and invincilDle love, unto God and all things that he loves, .or any wayes. belong unto Him, His Word, Sacraments, Sabbaths, Miniflers, Services, Child'rcm, Pretence, Corrections~ Comming, &t. which are the ordinary provifion of Gods people againfl: the ev ill Day, I .fay, they are fo farre from prizing, and preparing fuch fpirituall fl:ore, that they hoard up fiings, fcourges, and fitorpions for their naked foules, and guilty confciences, againfi: the , Day ofthe Lords vi!itation; I meane lyes~ oaths,bJaf... phemies; Adulter;es, whoredomes, felfe-pollutions ; varierie offirange fafhions,gamin~s,revelling~; drunken matches, good-fellow meetings, wanton·dancings ; uft1ries, faHhoods·, hypocrifies :plurality of illgotten goods, Benefices,Offices,honours; filthy jefts, much idle talke, na.nderous tales; fco$!s, raylings,oppofitions to the Holy way ,&c. And that with a curfed greedineffe and delight>-for they cry One unto another out ofa boyfreroos :combination of good-fellowfuip , with much :eagernefie and roaring: Come ole. therefore---------Let m jiff. onr [elves with coftly wi;1e, and oyntments, and, let no flower of the Sprint. paffe hy m . Let m crowntr orw (elves Uitth Rofe hudJ, · hifore thrybee withered : Let ·none of m goe without hispart'of our voluptuoufnej[e : Let m leave ttkgns1 of our pleafure in e<>Jery place: For this is OUY' portion, and our lot is thu. L~t .m (Je in wait for the righteom : hecaufe he u not ]?r 4S ,• ()Ur turne, and hee is cleane contr~tr] to our *doings,' &c. / But alas ! what will be the t onclufion ofall this or ra- .. fi!!!in potit~J aufewz. ther the horrible confufion? Even all their joviall re- tt~r, q~tibuscoram _mate 11 . · d fi fi;.11 { h' h Vl'l!ere pudet, qm pccve mgs,roanng OutragesJan m LW plea ures, W lC cantium fr9neem, et p . , . · , 'HDn verbio,quia tacent, tamen tp~ v1t;e genere dijfmiliferiunt & verbcrn'IJt.-er-~o tavquam [celerum & ma{iti.e [H~ tefies e%tzrpare {undzttt1 mtuntur & tillere ,fJ·awf'J.UtJibi puta:;;t, l41ilJN•m vita eorum t~~ grJatur.LaCtam.l.s . c.~ . _ · are