Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

4 6 biftrutfion)· for arigh.t comforting Sect. I• are fu f~eet in their mouthes, and they f wallow downe (d) ton. 1.0· {o infatiab,l y, thall turne to gravell, and the (d) gall of Ajpu in their bowels, and to fiery enraged fcorpions in their Confciences. Where lurking in the meane time, on the mudde of fenfuality, and lufl:, breed fuch a ne:. ver-dying wemne, which if God thinke fit to awake upon their lafl: Bed, is able to put them into Hell upon earth,, to damne them abo\Te ground, to gnaw upon ., their Soule and fie(h, with that unheard-of horrour, f.. •) . vultu & which feiz' d upon Spir' tU wofnll h~art. (a) Who profam[;ttu 1.1alens,meJr- tefl:ed being fully in his right minde, that Hee would te &mtcUetiuconftan- h 'b · C · , d. h. 1 · 11 h ' tij]im!l4• . meTt.ot•ia ~o· rat er, ee In am s or Iu M IS p ace 1n He., t. a~ en- (etif]imra nunqua e,rde dure the prefent unfpeakable torment of H1s afB1Cl:ed verba bimpetit: ve~~ fpirit. . . entes{oec1p1t To beat the,m fr:om this Bedlam defperate courfe formones & dotios & gf greedie hoardirid up fuch horrible things unto t,raves acmaturospro- • h~, . · . fert ,fe j"ftsVei judicio themfelves,)agatnft t eir endmg houre : Let them condamnatum[e jam in iti• fider : · . · fms~ t,~e&indefinmt~r * I. Befides the eternity ofjoyes for the one, and of cruczarz-Optar~ (e m torments to the other here,after, the vafi and unvalua- /o&~ Jud.e & Cazm e(fc. bl d· rr · h · · fi .a. f Gribaldi epift. de tre· e Irrcrence 111 t e meane tlme, 1n re pe1.l o tr::'<= mendo divini judicii fweetneffe and found contentment, betweene the hfe exemplo, &c. pag. 38. of a Saint and a Senfualtft: a Puritan, as the World lrmn)ftt De_m er 1/Ja calls Him, and a good-fell•w, as bee termes Him1elfe. hown &~re;~ vermcm Let us for the purpofe perrife the diff~rent paffages of corradentem, 1g11em m ( b) h ;a · 1 · d 1· utinguibi(em,~<l burro one day, as C ryfo.J.ome exce lently e tneats re,cort(ufione,dcfperati · tme,fitbito repteretm· ~ivttmi6 & ignis mmqua exinde ilium dtre!'tqum111t;ut [e longe tieterioriin~at/1 e[Je ttfletur' quam fi (eparata a corporeanima cum juda,{ain, & tttteris damnatiJ effit ·; cleftleram [e loco c~tjll[viJ 'lltrr titi & damnati efle p6til14 ,quam fie in corpore vtve're. Ibid. pag. 43• ., 1. The: differ nee betweenerheir lives, and tbe lives of holy men. (b) Tom. 5 S ·r.comra Gulam & ca:tcras corporis volupt. Producam114 homines au~s inmedium,?uorNmaltedafi;ivi.~ fit &vDiuptatibra dcditra,a/ter vero prorf~ fit hu rebm demortMt.U &r. Adeamm iflomm tMinzoJ. -lr.~venumlflW te altcrum, libru in~umbentem,~·acantem rei di· vin.t ,ahflm~nti.e vel rebtU nrreJ'ar~s incumbtnte,babentemrjpem I?cofermonc w, de rrbTU cll'eftibr~>Jdrfterente n, & Angelit potimagentem,qnam ho111inem. AiterNm vero madentem mcrodantem operam /a(civi.e~debacchantcm-de/iciu incumbciJtem,non {o/um vivendo objiu m,orte'/ed effe mo~tu/4/ongc inferiorem ,perniciofiomnfh D.emone 11.gltato,.& furiil. vbi vero dies i!Juxit,amittit omrzem ,quam ez la(civuueptrat, ~J Q/l(ptatem; fquidcm Familiaobmurmurantem1 & infoft11nt:t fejurgio c.onjt~ge,ebjurganteJ amicoslinimicosludtb;·io febabentes ncog'llo!cit. · · them