Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part.t. Otp.9. eAJfliBer/. Conftiencer. ' c H A P .' IX. ' The fecond and third confidera1ion for the reformatio?tZ if the: fenfualifh. ' '!.'.' Econdly, Let them marke w~l the diff.:rent Ends of thefe inen. 1.. The difference be· Though the one n~w carries tweene theirends,:md away the. credit and current of•he ends of holy men!' the times, and with all bravery , :· and tnurriph tumbles Himfelfe in the pleafures , riches ~ and glory of the' world ; and the other is kept, as they fay,under hatches,negle·- lted and contemptible to carnall eyes, tramplc:d' upon·with the feet of prid~ and malice by the pr~- der Pharifees , and hunted wjth mu~h c,ruelty arid hate by men of this world : Yet watch but a while; and you fhall fee .theend of this upright man, what- ' foever his {orrows and fuff-:rings,troubles and temptations have beene in ~his life,to be mofr certaindy peace at the lafr. Markt t~e perfe£l man, and he hold the upright, for the end of ,that manu peace, Pfalin. 37·37· He eii'her pa!X:th fairely . and calmely rhorow the Port of . Death,to the Land of everlailing reil:, and rejoycing; or elfeH,!f ~ temhpefl:H of extrhaordHinary temdptati~ ~ize ~ upon 11n m t e aven, w en ee IS rea y to 1et wot into heaven, which is the Lot of many (>fGods cl eareil Ones, for ends feeming befr to the ever-bleiTed Majefry: as, perhaps to harden thofe about Him, that hate to bee reformed) &c. Yet all the hurt bee bath thereby, is upon thematter, befidesfervingGodsrecret. 'holy ~leafure, an ~ddition to His happineffe; for a~ Immediate t~anflauon from the depth 9f temperane horrour, as In Mafrer Peacockf, and Miilris Bret- '.ergh, to the height of endleiTe joy' makes even the )Oyes of Heaven {omething more joyfilll. Hee feeles D ·- thofe