Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

lvftrHaions "for 11 right comforting Sett. :x. -s. Ex.trcamc·horrots -~. · They·are hunted·many times with furies ofcon~ fcne oft.'imcs .upon 'fcience, and extreame horror even in this life. p afo~er fuch • • put bleffedJererpi~ in th~fiockes; but ~her~upc<m,He lcrc_!Jl• iO :.) 3 ,had a new name gtven Hun, UUagor-Mijfabeb : Feare ' · round about ..: He became· a terrour to 1-iimfe!fo, and to ~t!l hi! friends. Zedechiah fmote faithfull t.Michaiah upon the face; but afterward according to that'Propheticall C<>mmination, Hee was fainc to runne from Chllfi'Jher to Chamher, to hide himflfje. John Baptifls head_, which Herod cut off, fatein the eye of theTyrants ·confcience, with fuch gri.efly formeS of guilti- ·ne!fe, and biQUd; ·that when bee heard of the great things done by Chrift ,he was perplexed, and no doubt afraid,_that ,John Baptift was rifen from the dead to be revenged upon Him. I have heard of aMan, who for .a ~ime di~ ~urioufly, a1id ddpa:atdY. fet Him{el~cagamfl: aMtmfier of God; labour d mtght,and mame, by all meanes to difgrace.,and vexe him ; both by pow· er, and policy; by, oppreffions,malice,con.. tempt. But at length, the Word fo got within Him, and hamper'd Him ; and the terrours of the Almigh· · tie tobke h0ld upon him with fuch unrefifiable rage ; that he came trembling and quaJdng unto that man of God, whom he had fo wickedly wrong.,d ; and durfl: not fieere afoot from him ; for feare the Devill 111oulJ take him·away aliv'e; or the earthupen her n'iollth,and .-fwa:llow him up quicke; orfomeother firange remarkable judgement feize upon Him fuddenly, andbrand Hi!ll for a notorious Beafi-, and curfed Caft-away. So ot ito fuch renfe he fpoke. . . . . ' 3 • The ends; cf fu,h ) 3 ~ Many of themcome ·to very horrible, exemplaare many titnct feart:-·'ty, and wofull ends. Pharaoh long·fince, by a dread- · fwll. full confll!ion a-t the Red-fea was as it were hanged up in chains, · -a fpetlacle of terror for Perfecutors, to all pofl:erity. AntiochUI [welling :with anger,and hreathing out ,fire in hu r~~e againft the people of .Go D, did p r,oudly protefl:, that Hee ·:wouldcome ro Jerufalem, and · · . " "mak_t ~ _Machab.,.