Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

64 . InflruBionJ font right comjort{ng · Sect 1. ---=..-----::-~::-::-:---:-:--;:-:-----;~---:--.-· ·, -·- taines the Phyfitian kindly, and takes patiently what is prefcrib'd : or Hee, who having a potion prefented unto Him very foveraigne for h~s recovery, throwes the glaffe againfr the Wall, fpils that precious Receipt, and drives the Phyfitian out at doores ? Conceive · proportionably, betw~ne the Perfecntor, and the leGe peftilent finner, who meddles not malicioui1y againft theMinifrry. 7 • Such are in the way • 7. They are al~ead~ in the ~efriknt path, ~nd yery , to the fin againfi the h1e-way, that leads to (mne ~amfr the Holy Ghofl.The HolyGho!l:. horriblendfe, and height ot which dreadfull vill{lny may bring upon them even in this lire,impoffibility of pardon, Matth. I:. 3 I, 3 2, and liableneife to that fla.. ming judgement an~ fiery ind~~nation thr~atned, Heb. (d) Cum quntidic no- xo_,z6. &~. And that they. are (d) growing toward~ ft1·am fan{f;i{ication~m tlus fin, 1f they b: not qUite gone that.way, appear~s, blafPhem~tnt,quidalzud became they detjntefully traduce ; With much malice lllafPbemllt quam (piri- and mifchief(3·perfecute the very workes of Grace,and tu.m{antJum. Aug. graces of Gods fpirit !hed into the hearts, and !hining l'om.Io.pat.I·P• 41• in the lives of thechildrenofLight, xloh.3.12. Pfal. g8, 2.0. 1 Pet. 4· 4. If a man wonki drinke, 'fweare, fwagger,revell and roare with them: Ifhe durfr be an Ignorant, an V1urer, aSabbath-breaker, aWorldling, a doter upon, and ·· defender of heathenifh fuperfiitious cu£l:omes; a .rracti~r, . or Patron ,of Old anni· · verfary, fooleries , and . rotten vanities ; an inclofer, gamefier, good-fellow, &c. Oh ! then he fhould bee. the onely Man with them ; entertained into · their hearts and houfes with all affi:ctionate embrace· ments. of kindnefle and acceptation: but if the fame . man by the mercies of God, once beginne to breake from th~m, and out of the fnares of the Divell ; to dif.. rellith, and detefr · his former wayes of nature and naughtineffe; to love and reverence the moll fearch· ing Minifi:ry;to reade the Scriptures, and beft hookes; to fanttifie the lords day,to pray in his family; to renounce relolutely, his nmning with them to the fome . exceffe