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j2. . · The Parties in tht! before: and in the fi'r!l: Adam's covenant, ·his natu-· ral feed were the reprefellted. Wherefore, irt the · fecond Adam's covenant, his fpiritual feed are the re~ prefenteq. Now, Chrifl:'s fpiritual feed are· the elect, and none other. For, they are thefe whom·· ' he be"' gets with the 'word , of truth,' James i. 16, ~nd are ' horn again (I i. · 2 3·) unto him ip their regene- - ration ; whom therefore he fees as his feed, with his own hnage on them, I fa. liii. IO·· They are ~he tra- . vail of his foul, who fooner or latter are, all of them , 'juflified, Ver. 11. They ~re the feed that fhall jerve him,' Pfal. xxii. 2o. which iliall be ejlablijhed and endure {br ever, namely, in a fiate of happinefs, Pfal. lxxxix. 4, 29, 36. . · · Lajl!y, Chrifi \VaS in the covenan~of grace, lfrael's Reprefentative, according to that text, Ifa. xlix. 3· ~ Thou art my fervant, 0 Ifrael; in whom I will be glorified.' Now !frael the colleetive body, is the elect, Rom. ix. 6. ' They are not alllfrael, which are of!frael.' Therefore the eleB: were the partyre· prefented and contraCted for in the covenant. So ·thefe whom Chrifl: took with him into the bond ofhis covenant, are defcribed to be ' the feed ofAbraham.' Heb. ii. 16. 'Fo~ verily he took not on him the na– fure of angels; but he took oil him the feed of Abra– ham.' Or rather, as it is read in the margin of ,our Bibles' more agreeable to the original, ' He taketh not hold of angels, but of the feed of Abraham he taketh hold. The original word fignifies, to take hold of a thing running · away, or falling down; and in the fame -manner of confl:ruction, it Is ufed of Chrifi's. catching holdof Peter finking in the water,Matth.xiv. 3 I. , Fallen angels and men Were both .run t~way from God, andfin.king in the fea of his wrath : and Chrifr, with the bond ofthecovenant,takes holdofrnen; but not ofthe fallen angels: them he leaves to fink tG-the bottom. All. the feed ofAdam,was fin king, as well as the feed ofA– hraham,which is but apart ofthe feedofA_dam,even fome ofall mankind : but Chrifr is not faid tohave takenhold of