Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

· 100 ,, The 13/zrren Ftg-1ree: _ the Son· of. the Bond-w·oi:nan. Now_ , the came of the -Egyptians (i) .--·So th~tt . be W<1S gathered, when he diedt ·not- . withfranding his Profe~ffiq(l., j o . t~e Plate where Pba.raoh and his· l~oft were gad1ered to, who were: drowned in the Red-Sea ;· . thefe were ' his People, .and: be was ' Qf them~ both. b¥ N·atu~e and Difpofttion, by perfecuting as they ·i!id. But now, When -did the. Day of Grace . end with this Man? · Obferve11 aa'd I will fuew you : · !fhmael . w4s. 'l'hirtum rears old, wben he was circumcifed., and then was 'Abraham· Ninet"l 1""ears old. · " ·a:nd Nine (k). ·The next Yea; (!aac was· ,born. ¥ So. -chat /jhmael was now Fpurteen Years of Age. Now ~_hen ·Jfaac · wa~ p.;earred (fuppofe he ·rucked .F:our Year~) . by that Account, ( tbe · Da~ pf Grac~ mufl be ended with f(hmael, . by that He -1vas Eighteen Years dd (l). For that D;1y he n1ocked, tha~ Day it w.as faid, Cafl him ·out, and of that Cailing . out; the Apofi:le tnakes what I have faid. J:leware ye . young, barren Pro- -feifors. fi) Gen. xxi. 9 (k} Ibid xvii. z4, 2 S, 26. {J) Gen. xxv. tz, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.