Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

The Earrn1 rlg-r'r~e. I f) I feffors . , Ijhmael lived an I-lundreJ' and _Nineteen Ye1~s after. this, in great Tran·- quility and Honour wi~l\ Mer~ ; after -this alfo he' beg~t T~velve Princes, even .after his D~1 y of Grace was paft. 'lhirdly; 1 fu-,111 in~ance Efott. ~Jau a·lfo was a Profefior, he was born unto Ifaac, and circumcife~ · according to t he·Cufiom rm). But Efau was a Gam~- _fome Pr~feifo.r, an I-Iuntfman ; a Ma11 tJf the Field; alfo- he was , wedded to his Lufl:s, . which he did al(o venture to ketp~ ,rather tbcm tl)e Birth right. V\lell, upon a . D~ly,_ when he came from Huntin~~ and was faint, he fold his Binh ri tz.f-,t to ]acob his Bt(}ther. Now, the B ~ rth-right in thofe: Days,. had. the Pron1ife and Bleffing annexed to it. ·yr ~'. , they were fo entailed in · this, th:\ t· -th (~ one couh.-1 not go with· . ' ,, r 1 " , ouc the otner ; w 11 -e re,()re t 1e .n. pofl:le's Cy ni (m is here of Weight: Cfak~· !Jerd, - t;~i:h h': ~ l::jf tbrre b-e· ·amont, ~)1 0U· a I~ 'orn ica /, .cr or 1' ~·o (ane · Pe'r/on, as E!:1u ... I ' •' I u:bo for cne !vlor/el of /'.-1ea;t fold hi-s Birth- · ' . r:ight ; f er ;·e know bo'w tbat . 'aji,eru: ar(is~ , 1 E 3 tzl.Jbe,n (r •~., G.e.l}.. x~.v. . :z,,7.,. zs~ :z9, ~o·- ·34-.