Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

The B~rretJ Fig-Tree. he comes the thjt:d Year for Jl ruit; as he d-id before, ', but £till he ' fi!Jds but a · barren F'ig· tree~ ·No Fruit:. Now _he cries Ol:lt' again, 0 thou ·nreff~r , of my Viheyard ! come hither ; · . here's a Fig-t~~~ l1ath ftood thefe .three Tear! .in n1y -Vineyard, and hath at t:-v.ery Seafon' difa ppoinred n1y Expecra.c:on; 'for I have looked -in vab : Cz.t it down, my, ' Patience is worn out, l · jhalt wait -OJ? tbi$ Fjg·-tree no. longer. ... ~·· J ' \ ' ..2 • .1\nd no\~ . he begins ~ to. lhake the Fig tree _with his ·,rhreatnings : · Fetch dltt the Axe : Now the Axe is. Death (b) ; Death ther(Jore is · called for : Death, conic, fm.ite n1e this Fig:tree; and · whhal the Lord !hakes this Sin- . . ner, , aqd ---..ohzrls hin~ ·t.1pon a Sick-be_d,- tl y 1 ng, 'fake f:;im, Deg,lq ; he bath ·abufed . . n~y J(a~r.ie1we .and Forbearance; not re- . n1embefing that it would have k·d "' hin1 to Repe_pt:ance·, and to t~e Fruits· thereof: · I)eath, f~tcb. away this fig-· tree to (he r'ir~ ; fetch this /barren Profdfor to 1--Jell. At this, 'Death conies 'with ··grim Looks into the ~hamber, . . yea..~ -~) ~oril. ii, 3, 4~ I