Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

114 The Barren Fig-rree. 1 4· Yet again, ·The Lord will not kave this P,rofeffor, . but -will tak~ up his Axe again, and will put hitn ttm- , d~ .r a more heart - fearching Miniftry, ' a Minifl:ry that will fearc~ hi.m, . and· · turn him over and over ; a MiniHry that £hall meet with him, and as Elijah met with ./lhab, · in all his ACls o( ' \Vickednefs · (and now · the Axe is laid ' I ~ . . I to ; ~.he ·Rqqr.s of th~ CJ'r~ej) (h); be fides, this · Mii1iltry doth not only' fearch the Heart, b11t . pre(enreth the ·Sinner whh · the Golden R.ays of the glorious Gofpel : Now is Chrift J efus fet fonh ' evide.nt!y ; now is Grace difplayed fweetly ; now, · no-w .are the. Promifes broken like Boxes of Ointment, to the . ~perfum.ing . of the whole 'Room. But a'las·! there is yet no Fruit on this Fig - tree. · Wh.ile his Heart is ~earchin g~ he wrangl es ; ' while the glorious· Grace of the Gofpd is · unveil- ( ing, th is Profeffor- wags ,and is wanten,. ga thers · up fome Scraps thereof, - 'raJles the good Word of God, and the · Pou·ers of th~ l!Vorld to come ; drinketh in this Rain tha t comes often upon '· · hi,m, (h) Matt, iii. xo• . · ·