Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

1 o _ The/ Bv~rren Ftg-Tree. of the Cruelty of J>antius Pilate, in 1ningling the Blood of the GalileatJS wi th. their Sacrifices. An Hc~thenifh and prodigious Atl! For the,rcin he ihewed, .not __ only his l\1alicc . againft the Jerztrijh Nation, but alfo againft J their Worfhip, and confeque~tly theit God. An ACtion, I fay, not only l-Ieathenifh, but Prodi'gious aHo ; for t ·he Lord-.:Jtfiu par~phrafing upon this F<-ct;cf his, teachetb the Je'ws,. that without Repentance,, they jhould all , like wife perifh• Likewife, . that is, by the Hand and l~age of th~ Roma1J r Kmpire: Neither ihould they be D10rc ~ble to aYoid the Stroke, tlliln were t ho{e Jii g k't ee tt. ttpfltJ w }Jom the q--o'if·er (}f Sitoam ji:Jl, tJd1d jhw t hali fa j: . 1'hc · 1~'ulfilling of whic:h Prophecy, for rthcir Hardneis of Hc~u~- r, and ,hnpenitency, · was in the DaJs. oi Titus,. Son ·of Vefpa/ia,;~ , -about For~t y Yea:rs after the J)ea:.th -of Chrifr. Then,. I fay , we_re tb::.k Je·~vs, aiJ_Q.their Cj.ty both, en- "Yi rone~1 round about ~n every SiJc,, whetrdn both. they. and·.it, -to .Amazet1Kl!H" f were Ini,fcrably: ove~t~~t~wn. God ga:-(c_