Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

Jl2 The Barrett ~Fig-'Eree. l . fifthly, F·o~ thefe remains Nothing. - bu~ a fearful '~o.okilng_ for of · J udg.. . n1ent. .. · · .. J .. ~ ' . \ Six.iif_ly, w·h~t;efore tpef~ are:' the .' true Fugidves apd ···Vag~1bonds, tha.t being left of God, of ·Chrift, of tiraCG, or i·~e · Fromife:, and being 9eyond all ~qpe, wal)der . and· ~raggl-~ to an'! f'ro, - even "s the Devil, th~~ 1r A (fociate; until the Time £hall come · t o die, or unt!l they ' defcend ip.. B;u: ttl, ~nd perifh. ·~ / . .. I z. Wherefere they are let alone in bearing. If thefe at any time come under the Word, there is for th~n1 no God, ~o Sa v1our of . the Means of Gi~ace, no Stirrings . of H·eart, no Pity , for. th~~fdves, no Love. to . their ow!l . Salvation. Let then1 look on thts Na'fld' ,.or that, ti1ere they · fee fuch Ef- . feCl:s of the Word in qthers, . as pro- 'du{.:eth Signs of Repentance-, and Love . to Go-d and his Chrifr. CJ'hefe Me1~ · Qnly have their Backs' bo<wed down atway.