Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

The Barren Fig~tree. ~ 1 fuggeftcth this to all that know him; to be fuch a Profd.for. tv1en mecrly natural, I mean, Men that have not got the dtvilijh Art of Hypocrify, arc afraid to thi.nk of doing thus. Ans ~f rhe rejJ durji 110 Mati joi1t him(ell to tbem,. bat the. People ma$11ffied t/Jent [t J. And tndeed 1t q1fpleafeth God, 1 hey ·have broug-ht; faith he, MeiJ uncff'cum- -~fed into my' Sanllbeary [u J . And again, W'betJ you came fo , 11ppear b~for-e me, whq ,/:Jat/J required this at yotlr .Hands to tread .my Courts, faith God f~ ]. They have therefore learnt this boldnefs of none in the vi fible World, they h~vc ~ only took it of the Devil I y] ; tor he, ~ and he only (with thef'e his Difciples) attempt to prefcnt thc~f~lvcs in the Church before God. . 'The Tares are the · CbildretJ fJf the rzvicked One [ z J; the 'Tares, that is, the .Hypocrites that are Satan 's Brood, the Generation of Vipers, t hat cannot efcape the Damnation of I-Icll. [t] Aas v. r 3· i.. 6. and i i . 1 . [~ J Matt. :x.xiii. 33· _[ Had] [u] Ifa. i. 12 . [z] Job lJ' l Matt. xiii. zs- 3!1 .