Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

The Barren Fig-1ree. !13 , ~ ·FrietJd, how camcfl thott i11 bit he~ _not _ havi11g on a Weddin~.-garm~·nt I b I ? . Here is one fo cunnwg and crafty, th~t he beguiled .all the Guefrs; he got and kept i'lil 'the Church, even un-. til the King himfiiJ came in tn foe the Gttejis; but his Sub,ti lty got him nothing. . It did ·not blind the Eyes of the King; itdid n9tpervert tlJe judgment of the RighterJtts. Fria1d7 hew &amejf thou i11 hitter ? did overtake him at laft; eve~ a publick ·!{ejection· : . . rfhe King difcovcred him in the. Faoe of all rhcre prcfcnt. .. Ho·w ctJmeji thote i11 hit.her? J'.~\y Father did not bring thee hither, I cl id not bring 'thee mitber, . 1Y1y Spirit did not aring thee hither, thou art not of the .f-Icavcnly Father's pl.tnting, lio~ can,t~ft thot! in tJit/p(;r ? . He th.(Jt conuth not iu at the [)oo,·, bttt .Climbetb flP (onlf.' Ofher u>:rt)', the [d1tJC. iS {Z ' I f'hi r:f · and tJ Robber [t J. ·This lt;xt alf9_is full, and plain ro our Purpofe; for this l\1an ca1lze. flot .ia by ~he JJoor, y~t g?t into the C~1ur~l." , he got in by danbmg; ,he broke In at th~ Winclows; he g0t fom~ tning of .the L ight . t ' f" · ~nd f bJ Matt xxii. I ' ':.,..[/'¥·~ [cJ John :({. 1· t ;,.,; ~ , :!'-..;