Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

The Barren Fig-Cfree. . 25 UncircumfpeCtnefs in the wholeChurch, tkus [f] the U ncircumcifed got in.. 4· Sotnetimes again, let the Church be tJever' fo circttmfpe8, yet theft have fo much Help frmn the Devil, tha they beguile , them all, and fo get ill~ Thefe are of that Sort ofThicves that Pattl complains ·of ; Falje l~~ethre11 brottg~t in tt11awares [g J Jttde a.lfo c-ries out of thefe ,_ certaitJ ll1etJ crept ifJ . uuawares [*]. ,Crept i11 . Wpat ! were _they f0 lowly! A \rolu~tary Hurnility, _-a !'legleCl:ing of the [h] Body, not in any Honour. ·oh ! ~ how feen1ingly Self-denying are fome of thefe creeping Things, that are yet t'!_ be held (as we fhall .kno':" them) an Abomiaa- , tion to lfrael [i]. ;But in a great Houfe, there are not o"n!J , Veffils of Gold, aud of Silver, but alfo of Wood, and of Earth, and fome to Honour, and Jome to Dijhonour·. [ k ]. By thcfe Words the Aooitle fe ems to take it I ·, - for granted, that as there bath ·been, fo there ftill .will be, thefe kind of Fig-· · B trees, rt] Ezek. xliv · ~. -:-:"' )· [g] Gal. ii . 3• 4· [*] jude4. [h] C'l. ii. 21, 23. (i] Lev. , xi. 43; 4{ [k] zTim.ii. ~o.