Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

~~ ' _. Tbe-B,irren Fig-Tree. .Iniquity [o J. H .e doth not fay, And let every one that hath Grace, or let thofe that have the Spirit of God ; but let every 011e tha:t nanieth 'the Name.of ·the Lord Jcfus. Chrift, depart from In~- . ,guity. .- · · _ vVhat de' Men meddle with Religion for ? Why do they call'th~rrifel vcs by ' ' the,N ame of the Lord J efus,_ if they ~have not' the _Gra<;e of God, tne Spirit . ·of ~hrift 7 [Pl . God therefore expet?eth · Fruit : What do they do tn the V tncyard ? Let them 'York, or get thetn ··out, the Vineyard n1uft have Labourers in it: So11, . Go to wor~ · 1o ~day in my -Yit;eyard [q ]. Wherefore, W~11t of· Grace,.. and Want ' of Sririt, will not keep God from fceking. Frl!lit; /!na he &time and fought Fruit thereoJJ. He rcqriireth that which he [r j feemeth to have : ~Every Man ia the .Vineyard. and Houfc of Got4, promife.th hin1felf, profdfe~h to others, ~nd would have A ~n Mea take it for granted, that an , . heavenly Jo] ~~ Tim. ii . ;J'9· [p] Rom. viii.. 9· Tvlatt. xx. •, 2, 3, 4, 5· .[q J Matt. xxi. :z8. [r] Lllke ·zx. -39·