Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

. 6 6 r The Barren Fig .. r'ree. Fruit acco rdiAg. to the .Naq.1re of the Plant or Flowers. Suppofe fuch a Sii? ·as J tnid yo~l ·of befo re, fhould he in Y o.ur t_; ;1 r ~!en, and there die : W'ouJJ you. ~et ' it abide i1z your Garth~ ?· No ;.· away wi{h it, away v/ ith it. The Woman ' comes into- her Garden towards the ' Spring, \".th ere firfl: fhe gives ·it a flig.bt Cait wi ~ h her Eye; ~hen fhe fets eo gathering o'ut the 'YVeerls~ .and Nettles, and · StoneJ, tR kes a Be.fom1 and .fweepJ, the 1 , l'V.aiks : 'Thi sdone, ilie falls ro Rrying i11to her flabJ and Slipl, to fee if ·they live, to fc e whether they . are· likely' to gre~w. l..Jotv, if fhe cm?1o to rtne that is JeaJ ) t hat 1l1e is fure wn~ not gro·..v ; up {he puils duu, and makes to che Heap ·of Rurbi fh with it, where fhe defpiiin'gJy. cafts ir dowJl, ·and valueth it no 1nqre than a N r.Nle or a 11/ad. or th~-tn the Duff fhe · hath fwt'pr out of her t:fa'lk!. YJea. if ~ny one chat fc:e her~ fuould [Jy, Why . dO you fo 2 ·The AP.fv,r er is ready, 'T'is dead~ 'ris ·deaJ at Root: If I had !er it: ftand, 'rwonld but have cumbred the Ground, T'be,!fra11ge Slips(3nd ~tfo the dead one~) they mr,fi pe an Heap in .tbe Day of Gri i!f, and tf de/perate S-orrow ( u ). · Cuf (u) Ifaiah xvi'i. 1 c, ·u '.