Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

The Bttrren Fig-:free. as beguile the Soul with damnable DoCtrines; -, ~hat ' (werv_e from Fairh ~nd Godlinefs (z. ) . They have cbo{e thei~ own Wayi,... faith ·God, tmd their Soul delitbt- ', eth .in .thci.r Abomin.ations ;- I al{o wi ll :hu[e their _ Ddufi~nJ, and witl bring· their Fears up(m ther11 (a). I will fmite rben1 with Blindnefs, and Hardnefs of H eart, and faiiing or* Eyes, and wilt alfo fuffer the ·r~mpter ro rempt and effecr his Hellifh Defigns upon thetn; God w ill fond'them ftnr'g PJd tljipns, that they may ' believe a -Lie, that they £"tU bedamned, 'JlJ bo believe · not the Tru:h, but had Fleafure in Unrig~bttoufnefs ( b) . · · c Secrmdty _, Sometin1es God takes away ~ a barrm Prcfeffor by open Profanenef!>. There is one tlru ha rh t-aken up a P ro- "fe.ffton of that worthy .Name , the LGrJ Jefus C~r-i(t; but this Prof;: flion is ~ but a Cloak, he fecr etl y priictiferh· Wickednefs ; · he is a Gluccoi-1, a DnJ'nkard, or Covetous, or Unclean . vVell, fai"th .God, I willloof'e th-e Keins of this Profeffor, I '.vill gi"\'e him up to his 'Vile Affecfio'11-s,' I w·il! loofe the Reins of his Lu.fts 'before him, he ilial! be entangled with - ( ~) Ifa , vi .g. 10 . (a ) I Kings xxii zo, zx_, z z.~ (h; ? Theft: ii. u , 1 2. ·