Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

'76 The Barren _flg-iree. . Luke xiii. V·er.~ 8, ~'· And : he a,?jwertng ~- foi<l rft~to -him, Lord, 1et i.t a/o!J~e this rear a!Jo, until' I }hall dig about it, a;1d dutJg it.. '· ' ' - And if it ber;tr Fruit,- \Ve 11 ; cttJd if- . not, then after that, thortJfJ:.CJlt cttt it dow11. ' 'T~ HE·SE are. the, \Yords of the : .1. Dreife·r of the Vineyatdj who, I told you, is Jefus CLrift < fot he made InterceHiort for the Trr.!nfgreifors) ( z:,). , . , And they c;onr.ain a P d1tion~ prefehc-: ed tO an offende~. Ju.'lice, praying that a little ~hne . an9 . I:adence nlig11t be exercifed ~ tow-·ards the :bat~i·en; cumber· ground Fig: trte. In t~) Ifaiah liii. 1 z.