Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

_ T~e .Barre,n Flg-1'ree. __ , d reffer : and the Hpfbandman for thy l .. ife~ r tut it dcwn, h1ys' one; lJCrd, \ !J:a_re it, t-t i~h tl!e other ; '1i~ fl Ctt'mber- ·, 'ground,. f:1ith the _F'ather- ; One Year ~ong ... · ~r; 'Brays~ the ~on; J;et .it _a/one 'this ~ar /(, -•-\•' ' 'I ,. ' • • :a!JO .. .. - . , . . • < I _ · · ·. *;tt.~l .I foal! dig .rzbcut it , · a11~ dung it. f.: .... r> ~ " , - • . . The I~·ord Jefus by tl~eJe Words fuppofes two Things, as . Caufes of want of Fruit in ,· barren fig~-tre.e, artd two Things he· propofeth as a Remedy. · The. T-hing~ · that a· r~ a---~;lufe of \v.ant of Fruit; are, - - 1, ~''.tis Eart.h-bound; Lo'rd, the Figt e~ is Ea,rtb-bcund. . ·• ~. '.4 ~a-ni of ~(:) t'? nJ~er l .. /fea 11s, ·of Jattrr ~.-1' . I o~v,1eans. . . . ... - _ · . .. _vVherefo're· uccorcJingly ·he propound- " ~th, . . - . . . . . F'ir(t,: CJ'o loofr:n. the l£arth, to dig abcut - • it: I • # ' • ' S~cond~y, )/n~l t hen · to jjtpply it f[L'iLhDung; to dig about it , aJJd dung it. . Lord, I , let it alo11t_ ,tbi{ T~rJ r .a{!o, U71 (il ! foal! di~ about it. · · · ': . t .... \ 1 rl' l ·gqu'tJ~