Bunyan - BR75 B88d 1793

:tOlt YOUTH. Spider. My venom's g.>od for fomething; fince God made it. 'fhy nature fin hath ffoil'd, a.nd cloth degrade it. 'Thou art defpoil'd o ·good: and tho' I fear thee. I will not, tho' I might, defpife and·jeer thee. Thou fay'ftl am.the very dregs of nature, Thy fin'~ the fpawn of devils, 'tis no creature. Thou fay'ft man hates me, 'caufe I am a fpider, Poor man, thou at thy God art a derider; My venom tendeth to my p1efervation; Thy pleafing follies work out thy damnation. Poor man, I keep th'e rules of mz creation, Thy fin has caft thee headlong from thy ftation. 1 hurt no body williagly ; but thou Art a felf-murderer: thou know'ft not how To do what's good; no, for thou lovefi evil: Thou fly'fi: God's law, adherefi to the devil. Sinner. Thou ill iliap'd thing, there's an antipathy, •Twixt man and fpiders, 'tis in vain to lie; Stand off, I hate thee, if thou dofi: come nigll · me, I'll crufh thee with my foot: I do defy thee. Spider• . They are ill-fhap'd, who warped are by fin, Hatred in .thee to God hath long time been; No marvel then indeed, if me his creature Thou dofi: defy, .Pretending name and featur~. B.u't