Bunyan - BR75 B88d 1793

FOR YOUTH. 35 My webs becoming fnares arid ~raps for flies, Do fet the wiles of hell before thine eyes, Their tangling. nature is to let thee fee, ' T!Jy fins ( too ) of a tangling nature be. My deh, or hole, for that 'tis bottomlefs, ·neth of damnation fhew the lafiingnefs. My lying quiet till the fly is catcht, · Shews, fecretly hell hath thy ruin hatcht. In that I on her feize, when fhe is taken, I !hew who gathers whori1 God bath forfaken. The fly lies buzzing in my 'o/eb to tell . How finners always roar and how I in hell, Now.fince I fhew thee ail thefe myll~iies. How canfi thou hate me ; or me fcandaliz~ ? Sinner. Well, well; I will ~.o more be a derider, I did not look for fuch things from a fpider. Sp£der. Come, hold thy peace, what I have yet te If heeded, may helptheeanotherday. [fay, Since I an ugly ven'mous creature be, There's l'ome refemb1ance 'twixt vile mart and me. My wild and heedlefs runnings, are like thofe Whole ways to ruin do their fouls expofe. Day light is noc my time, I work i'th' night, . ro Ihew, they are like me who hate the light. The: