Bunyan - BR75 B88d 1793

FOR YOUTH.o 43 When thou dofl: ceafe among us to appear, Then doth our haFvefi bravely crown our year. But thou haft fellows, fome like thee can do Little but fuck our eggs, and. fing Cuckoo. Si'nce Cuckoos forward not our early fpFing, Nor help with notes to bring our harvell in; And f.~Pce while here; fhe only makes a noife~ So pleafing unto none as girls and boys, The Formalifl: we may compare her to, For he cloth fuck our eggs~ and fing, Cuckoo. XXII. Of the B{)y and Butter-Fly. B E H 0 L D how eager this our little boy Is for this Butter-fly, as if all joy, All profits, honours, yea and Jailing pleafures, Were wrapt up in her, or the richeft treafures, Found