Bunyan - BR75 B88d 1793

fOR YOUTij. XXIII., Of th~ Fly at th~ Candlt. HAT ails this fly thus defperateiy to enter combat wit~ tbe cart~!~ ( \Vi!r !ne venture o clafh at light? Away thou filly Fly; Thus doing thou wilt burn thy wings anddie. But 'tis a folly her advice to give; he'll kill the candle, or fhe will not live. fays fhe at it : then rne nnkes retreat,. wheels about, and doth her blows repeat. Nor cloth the candle let her quite efcape~ 3ut gtves fome little check unto the ape: fhrows up her nimble heels, and down fhe falis, Nhere fhe lies fprawling~ and for fuccourcalls, · when