Bunyan - BR75 B88d 1793

F OR "{O U'Tif•. 6g They .call him v~grant, and more rugged gr(Jw ; He cnes the fhnller; trurppets ot: t lfis woe . At lafi when i hey perceive he'li take no nar, An alms. they ~;ive him, without mottc delay. CO· MPARISON .. This beggar cloth refemble them that pr ay To God for mercy, and will take no nay; But wait, and count that all his hard gainfays;; Are nothing -elfe, but farthetl y delays : Then imitate him, praying fouls, and cry: There's nothing like to importunity. XXXV~ llpon th~ Horfi and his Rid~r. THERE's one rides very fagely on the road:. Shewing that he affeHs the gra:vdl mode ;. F 2 , Another