Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

acboiceand Rpreciems pir'it . 105 moat precious spirits have very mean oatfides. The Tabernacle was beaten gold within, but she outfide covered with Badgers skins. If the treafurc be rich,what though the veffel beearthene Surely , there are the excellencies of the earth, the very light andbeauty of the world, the glory of Gods Creation; they give a loflre to the places where they live, to the families inwhich they are; efpecially if theywalk dole and faithfullywith. God indeed manifefting the excellency of their f pities in Their wayes; to hat when they are taken a- way, the very places where they lived, are darkened. This other fpirit of.the godlymakes a lob fcraping his loares on the dung-hil anda eremy flicking in the myrie dungeon moreglorious then Kirlgs and Prances fitting crowned upon their Throns thefe . (2re glorious within. God isa Spirit, and he looks onmen, to fee what they are in their fpirits; ,and heel-teems accordingly of them; and fo fhc:uld wee. What doth brave cloathing, wh`t doth miney, what doe titles of honour raife the dignity what are thefe to theexcel. lency