Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

Iob 11graCiohts fpirit, lencyof mans nature r No certainly; the excellency of man muft bee that which muft make the molt excellent and noble part truly excellent, which isthe fpink ofa man. If a man would know the excellency of any thing, as ofa fword, orof,+ny ocher inffrument, he judges it not by the tril -, ortie ihfe. rïou part; b'Jt by what excellency the principle part hash. The is a fpirit in man,and the infpiration is from the Al- mighty; a fpirir inípircd by the Ai- mighty,andbeautified Aithhis heaven- lygraces ; this inno:les a man indeed; k i4,, theornament cfthe hidden manof theheart,the gloriouscloathingof that, whichmakes truly beautiful! and glo- cons. How did in'aìy of the Heathen highly prize thole, inw?iom they faw any naturalI excellency offpirit, differ- ing from other mew: Thofe awongíf the Romans , whowerecalled the Odrri, and Fabritii , they lived very poorely and meanly ; yet being perceived to have more excellent fpirits then other men, theywere taken from their dinner of Turnips and Watercreffes,to lead the I Romane Army : How much more .fhould