Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

4 choice and a precious [pint. 143 P you (hall fee an eavenneife, con- flancic, and proportion in the courfeof their lives; that whichmakes them fin- guiar in one thing, makes them fo inall ether of th.t: famenrture; Theyare not as humorous people who havetheir fits and take themout of theirfits, they are o ther men,they arcas differentfrom themfelves , as they are from other men ; But where the Spirit ofGod guides , though there benomore diffe- rence from other men , yet there is lef e difference from themfelves. Secondly , Thole who do things out of fingularity , theycare lelle for fueh things they doe out of that principle, when they ',come tobecommon , then theydidbefore; But it is not fo here in the wayesofgodlineffe; the morecom- mon they grow, the better theyare, the more cloth Gods people rejoyce and bleffe themfelves in them , they are the more lovely, and amiable in their eyes. Thirdly , Humorous fingular men differ exceedingly one from another, one will be angular in one thing, and another in another; but Gods people go all the lime way , they have the fame 2. 3m