Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

4 choice od preci®!ás °pirit . attaining to , and injoymerjt of the higheff good. O -her creatures under the rationall, are made for the enjoy- ment of nohigher ood, then is with- in the compaile of their own natures ; and t } }erefore ' herprinciples areonl y to receive in fuch good things as are fu- tablero thofc natures. and in them they reff fatisfied for they arecapable of enjoyment of no higher; I fay, they cannot enjoy any higher: indeed they areofufe too, ad were made for that end, that they might be ferviceable to forne higher good then themfelves;but th`s they enjoy not. The deffruäion of their natures,is thehigheft ufe that crea- tures which are above thy° m , have of them. But the rational! creature was made for a higher good then is within the conipaffe of its own nature , and was to enjoy this .; and the fullerit doth enjoy it, the moreperfc1ed it is. Now then, there are required principles of á lite accordingly to carry theme crea- tures higher then their ownenatures, to have the fruition of that good they weremade for, and tobe bleffed in the enjoyment of it. Now there are the principles