Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

a choice and apreciosr`irit. cafe, pleafure, honour, gain, and Selfin As it !s a low fpirít in an ill fenfe , fub- jeétethnot onelyordinary adios , but the belt things it doth , even the duties of Gods worlhip, tobafe, low, u rrik, ore thyends : A t the higheft , themoll ex- cellent of the Heathen , who had the molt brave fpirits the World had in their time aymed no higher then to wÍ rkaccording toreafon, to fatisfie the didates of rational! principles,andana- turall confcience, knewnot what it was to honour God , to aym at God in all theydid : but the fpirit of the godly is a railed fpirit, 1F:boks at God andeternity in all it doth, carries things up to the higheft good refries till itgets through all creatures, anddoles with God , it accounts the excellency of what it is, and what it hash, tobe inorder to God, and dìredswhat it doth to him and in this comes asneere the workingofGod himtèlf, workesas like him, as maybe; it is the glory of God to be the firlf caufe, and lat end; and to worke from himfelfè, and for himfelfe 5 No crea- ture can work from it felfe, but as it bath his principle from God , fo it wor!ees