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16 gra`ietes fpirit. workes for him, giving him eg orjyy as the Eft caufe, andLaend ; and this is th4 great worfhip i.hatGod hath from his creature, both in this woi ld, and e- ternally in heaven. We fpeak much.ofhotlouring God,, and serving God, and worlhipping of him ; we doe nothing, except_we doe this;Godmade thec orld tha - hemight have fore creatures ro worke thus, to .make him the higheli and laft rndofall;. many who have exec llent naturall parts,, are often bufied about deeper t hangs then othvr men, but their fpirits being corrupt, not carried to God in that they doe, they dive deep, but all corres tonothing; are like childrendi- ving deep in the water, and bring up nothing but Theis andgravel]. Now where the fpirit is carried to Godas the lati end,there firft,thebeau- ty, excellency, glory of what ever it bathor doth,isjudged according to the reference it bath to God ; It is true, I have thefe m rcies, I doe fuckand inch things; But is God honoured by all r all things arc as dead to this fpirir, where it fees not Gods Name liftedup: and