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122, Co.rnel-ConverfiltFon. the Gofpel,muft be a Converfation that mull be a changed Con- verfation, mull be mightily different from what they were be- fore : fornetimes we fee it fo through the mercy of God, that When men and women come to hear the Word in the cleernefs and power of it to be revealed, they have fuck changes that all their friends (land wondring at them; Wha` (hall we have of you now l Oh fuch have caufe to answer and fay, Bleffed be God it is fo, it is the Gofpel that bath made fuch a change in me. I, this becomes the Gofpel, when it fhall appear that your Converfation is fo changed, fo holy, and godly, and gracious now,over it was before. But you whofe lives are not better than they were before ; before you made force profeflion, only your profefonnow is greater than it was before, but your lives no better, know, this is a Converfation that doch no way become the Gofpel ofChrift, the Gofpel of Chrifi hath no honor by this converfationofyours. And then, The great difference that the Gofpel makes between one man and another. As now,thofe that the Gofpel doth not prevail upon,the Scripture tels ns,they are the children ofwrath, they are dead in trefpaffes and fins, they are under the curfe of the Law, they are even enemies to God ; this is the conditionof all men before this Scepter of Chrifi conquers their hearts, chi!. drenofwrath, enemies to God, dead in fins, under the curie. But now, when the Gofpel comes to prevail over mens hearts, then they come to be the children of the living God, Heirs of Chriff, Co-heirs with Him, they come to be partakers of the life of God, they encreafe with the encreafe ofGod, and their lives are hid with Chrifi in God, and they come to be reconci- led to God, to be friends with God, to be at peace with God, and to inherit blefiîngs : Oh the change that the Lord puts up- on the heart and Bate of the Saints when the Gofpel prevails l Howhigh ate they raífed above other men ? Thereforeyoumutt not make other men to beyour example inyour way, you mull not think to live as the world lives, and to fay, I do as other mendo ; the Gofpel makes a mighty difference between your eflateand the flare of othermen, therefore never look to what other men do, but confider as God bath made a vaf difference between you and other men, fo let there be a great difference between ,.......,,..%..,n.,,