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Gojfiel-Caxverfátion. 31. Word as 'tis with many, many there are, that when the Word of God comes MI to them, when they are firft enlightened, and fir(t converted, Oh how ftria are they ! Oh howcareful are they '1 then they walkexaaly, and they are afraid of the lean fin, and examine everie thingby the Word, Oh how curious are they in everie thing then ! and their confciences are verie tender, and are afraid that this is fin, and that the other thing is fin, and there is a mightie change in the familie, their Ma- fiers, or Parents they fee them fo afraid ofeverie thing, and careful of their verie words, on the Lords Day careful in fee- king of God, and attending upon Ordinances, and in their particular calling at the firlt verie ftrk : But now, within a little time you íhall find manie of thefe that by degrees they grow more loofe, and efpeciallie in thefe times, becaufe in thefe times there is a way that the Devil bath to get men tobe loofe in their Converfations, that bath not been known in Eng- land; indeed in Germany it was known, and there it was or- dinarilie in the beginning of Luthers Reformation that it is weaknefs in men to make confcience ofdutie, to be troubled for their fin and be humbled. Paul and Peterand David, it was their weaknefs when they were troubled fo much for their fin : Oh this is a moil horrid and abominable wickednefs that doth diíhonor the Gofpel ofChriff, and will make it rediculous to the world (I fay) fuch carriages ofpeople, to think that they may take libertie to walk in a loofe way becaufe of the Gofpel. But that we shall come more fully to, when we fpeak howour Converfations thould be becoming- theGofpel ofChrrf. But I fpeak this in this point as a preparation to that, & efpeciallie to young Profeffors that have been wrought upon by the Word within thefe fewyeers, fnce there bath bin more freedom of preaching the Gofpel ; and I verily beleeve that divers ofyou in this Con- gregation do know many young ones'and others, that have been wrought uponby the Miniffrie of the Word, that for the firft yeer were verse exaÇ}, and verse careful oftheir lives, and verse punctual in every thing, but you now fee them begin to grow loofe and wanton, and vain in their Converfations: Oh this is a fad and an evil thing ! Ifyou would be careful of your Converfations obferve this feventhRule ; Be not onlie careful at