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Go_fiel-Converfation. 39 fay ,Thoufool,fhalbe indanger ofhell ßre:That is, liable to the fame Judgment that you thinkmurder is, Now is your converfations ubecometh the Gofjiel? Here Chat is a great Preacher of the Gofpel ; and films that there is more ftridnefs in the Gofpel than there is by the light ofNature, or by the Law, or by that that they underffand by the Law : This the light of Nature doth diaate, ; that men fhould not Kill, nor commit Adultrie, but now, If thy Converfation be fuch as becomes the Gofpel, then thoumuff make confcience ofAnger, and tremble at that as a natural man would tremble at Murder, for that becomes the Gofpel ; (I fay) one that is a profelfor of the Gofpel, he fhould tremble at firiful anger as a natural man would tremble at murder ; for obferve it here, look what (theyPaid) murder did make a man liable to; the fame thing (Chrill faith) Anger should make a man liable to ; therefore one that wouldwalk as becomes the Gofpel, muff tremble at the inward fin of Anger, as a natural manwould tremble at the outward finofMurder. And fo for Adultry, Thou cart no whoremonger. But one that profeffes the Gofpel, mull look at the lulling of the eye, andof theheart, as a natural man that bath but the light of Nature would look upon the cómiflïonofAdultrie, for Chriff laies that upon the lull of the heart that they lay upon thecommiflionof Adultrie. This is (14 becometh the Gofiel. Further, By the light ofNature a man may be confciencious. that is, make confcience of feveal fins. Q. But now you will fay, Wherein fhould a man gobeyond this as becomes theGofpel? What can any man that profeffes the Gofpel go beyond this, ofmaking confcienceofa fecret fin, that though he knew that no bodie in the world did know his fin ? nay, fuppofe he knew certainlie that it fhould never be known, yet he dares not do it, howcan a mango beyond that ? Anf. Yes, You muff labor for the mortification of the body of fin that is within you ; not onlie to make confcience to keep from the a l offecret fins, but thywork muff be to labor for the mor- tification of the bodie of fin and death that is in thee, that's that that is reveal' d by the Gofpel, that no man by the light of. Nature ever knew; you fhall never reade among all the Phyloa fophers ofthe point of Original fin, nor of mortificationofthe body