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Gof}iel-Converfation. Sixthly and laflly, the Gofpel reveals this, That God is fo fet upon reconciliation, and isfo reconcil'd tofuchas do imbrace the GolPel as he will never be at enmity with them again. Being once reconril'd,hewill never fuffer fuch a breach to be made between Man-kind and Himfelf anymore.He roil be their Father in Chrifl, and ye fhall be his Sons andDaughters through Him to all eternity in Chrifl 7efits our Lord. who (hall feparate us fop; the love ofGod c Thus the Gofpel holds forth, notonly reconciliation, but fuch reconciliation as this is, which men and Angels can never fuf- ficiently admire and beefs God for. This is a Sceond beam (as I may fo fay) ofthe Gofpel. Then what manner ofperfons ought we to be ? our convetfations mull be as becomes this Gofpel of Chrifl in th¡,great thing that the Gofpel holds forth untous. n Surely th ,:t is cals to us all aloud to love peace,O love peace, Is God fo fet upon peace as he is ? and is he willing to be at fo great coil for peace ? Oh let us love peace, let us follow peace, lets purfue peace; let's feek peace, let us do what we can pof- fibly for peace,lf it be poble as much as lieth inyou,live peaceably withall men: Let us account peace never bought too dear with any thingbutfin : The Lord Chrifl would not tin to purchafe peace, if it could poilibly have been conceived that any fin should have bincommitted Chrifl would never have purchafed peace that way ; but if it be by any way offuffering, by his be- ing willing to leave the Heavens for a while to take upon him the formof a fervant, yea to have the fence of the influences of the love ofhis Fatherecclipfed for a time, he was willing to en- dure,yea to be made a curfe,whatfoever he fuffered inhisName, he was willing to endure any thing to make peace between God and man, to reconcile the World to Heaven : Oh ! let us love peace, that's becoming the Go 'el of Chi-ill, for our hearts to be fetupon peace. And the exhörtation that you have in theEphe- fans (before mentioned ;) it is likewife built upon the confie deration of Chrills working fo for our peace, Ephef. 2 14. For He is our peace, who bathmade both one, and hath broken down the middle wall ofpartition betWWeen us, having aboli,Zed in His fefh the' enmity. And then in the 16. verfe, That He might reconcile bot/i' unto Godin one body by the Crofs having(lain the enmity thereby. So that this Scripture holds forth, not only that Chrtfl is our. peace 65