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:E4 oks Printedby Peter Cole, Printer a a They whore hearts are pierced by 4. Want of A ffurance, S. ffliaiorb the wed, are carriedwith love and 6 Temptation. 7. Derertion. 8. rclina to the tvIinifters of it : And ferviceablenefs. 9, Diccouragements are hufie to enquire, and ready to from the Condition it Pelf. Delivered fuhmit to the mind of God. in thirteen Serrnons,on PfaimAz. it. a3 Sinners in difirefi ofconfcience,are His Four Sermons concerning, ignorant what they fhould do. 4 Sin againil the Holy (Molt. ,14 .4 contritefeiner fees a neceffity of I Sins of Infirmitie. coming out ofbis (inful condition. 6 The falfe Apoitle tried and difco- Is Thf e is a fecret hope wherewith vered the Lord rupports thehearts of con- 7 The good and means of Eitablini- trite inners. ment 16 They who are truly pierced for 8 The great things Faith can do. their fins, do priKe and covet deli- 9 The great things Faith can luffet.; verancefrom their fins. sc) The Great Gofpel Mytlery of the 17 True contrition is accompanied Saints Comfort and Holinefs, opened with confeffion oflin, when God cats and applied from Chrifts Priefily thereunto. Office. 18 The Soul that is pierced for fin, is carried with a reftlefl r i flike againft it ,Six Books more of Mr. Hookers in twoVolums in Quito, are printing. Twenty onefeveral Books ofMr. Wil- liamBrld,e, Colletled into two Polumns. Viz. scripture Light the molt fure Light: compared with, I . Revelations &Vili- ons z.Natural & Supernatual Dreams 3 Impreflions with, and without Word.4 Light andLaw within. S. Di- vine Providence. 6. Chriffian Ezperi ence. 7. Humane Reafon. 8. Judicial Aftrology. Delivered in Sermons, on 2 Pet. 1. 19. Chrig in Travel: Wherein, a. The Travel of his foul. z. The firfi and after efieds of his Death, 3 His Ain- ranee of Iffue 4. And his fatisfa&ion aherein.Are opened and cleered in Ser- mons, on /fa. 5 3. 11. 3 ALifting upfor the Carl down,in cafe of, 1. Great fin. 2. Weaknefs of Grace. 3. Mifcarriage of Duties, Satans power to Tempt, and Chrifts Love to, and Care of his People under Temptation 12 Thankfulnefs required in every Condition. 13 Grace. 14 The Spiritual A fangs of Faith through Natural Impoffibilities. is Evangelical Repentance 16 The Spiritual Life, &c. 17 The Woman of Canaan. 18 The '4aint, Hiding place, &c. 19 Chrifts Coming &c, zo A Vindication of Gelpel nances sa Grace and Love beyond Gifts Mr. Brithonenen the Revelation. Claws Chyrurgery. Marks of Salvation. ChainsEngagement for the Go- fpel, by John Goodwin. Great Church Ordinance of%pain Mr. Loves Cafe, containing his Pc! titions, Narrative, and Speech.