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1 7 6 The right manner ofdrawing!tie', Peace-offerings, thofe that did offer it, they did eat a great part of it themfelves : now they were very careful in thole offerings that they were topartake of themfelves, to offer fat bea its : you do not fee that the holy Ghoit takes any notice of fat beafts in their burnt offerings. Now the Note from hence is this, That in thofe things where men are incerefted themfelves, they will be very careful to have the bell things. But now the Lord reje- aed the fat beafts of their Peace- offerings : faith God,You were very careful to offer fat beafts in your Peace-offerings where you may feed your felves, but for thofe offerings wherein I have all, there youare nor fo careful, and therefore I regard them nor. The third Scripture is in Zach. 7. 7, there they did keep many daies in feeking of God, ( it is an obfervable Scrip:ure for thefe cimes)Speakjintoall the (People ofthe Land,and to the (Priefli,raying, When ye failed and mourned in thefifth and feventh month, even thole feventy year' ; Vidye atallfag unto me ? even untome ? Mark the Phrafe, You failed in the fifth and fevench month, and for feventy yeers cogether,but faith theLord, Did youat all fait unto me ? and then markhow he doubled ir, To me ? evenunto me ? Noting chat when we fait or pray, or do any thing in the Worfhip of God,we fhould be fure to aim at God more than our felves, that Godmay not fay ofusanother day,do you do it to me,even to me ? Youmay ask me this Queftion, Howmay I know that I am aaed byfeif ends in holy Duties ? for it is a hard thing for one toknow ones own heart,when one is atted by principles of [elf, and whenwe aim at God in holy Duties. Now for that I will give you thefe Notes, to try whether you be atted from youz felves or no. TheFirft is this, Ifa man loves holy Duties, though he finds mo prefent good comes in by them, becaufe they are fuch things as God requires, and therefore though I get nothing by them, yet this is enough to carry we on, and tocarry me on readily, and willingly in the Worfhip of God thofe that can delight in godsWorfhip evenat that time, though they find nothing coming.in to themfelves But now when we find not that co- ming in that wedodefire, we begin tobe weary of Worfhip, and fay, , Why Wive we failed, and Mw feeli, it not This is =