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to dad in Worfhip. is an Argument that thou art aced by Selfrather than by God. Secondly, Toknowwhether we beaeled byfelf-endi, or ra- ther by high ends for God : Thofemen that can rejoyce in others that are able to honor God in holy duties more than themfelves, they may have a good evidence to their own fouls, that when they worfhip God, they are aeted by higher ends than Self, but now, fuch as are ftraightned themfelves, and when they fee other men enlarged in the Worfhip of God, they rather envy them, aregrievki and troubled ; know that Self isa great ingre- dient in thofe duties that thou doeft perform : if thy heart were raifed high to God, though thou canft not thy felf be enlarged in holy duties, yet thy foul would be glad that any others are, though I have a wretched and vile heart of my own, yet bleffed be God that there are any others that can worfhip God better than I can. Thirdly, Aman that is atted by Self in holy duties, he re- gards holyduties but little, fave in time of extremity, in time offer, or in ficknefs, or -in danger. But now, one that hash high ends in holy duties ; makes the duties ofGods Worfhip to , be the joy of his foul in themiclit of his profperity, and that is an evident fign that thou art not aced by felf ends, but by high- er ends, 'Gantt thou in the midft of thy abundance fay, Lord, thou givefit me all conveniences in this world, and all outward things that I want ; but Lord, this is that which is the joy of my foul, this is that which makes my life comfortable, even com- munionwith thy felf, in the duties of thy worfhip, that I have free accefs unto the Throne ofthy Grace to worfhip Thee the Lord, and there meet with thee when I am in the performance ofholy duties ; 0Lord,thou that knowefk all things, knowefte that this is the thing that makes my life comfortable ; Ir is not that I have a Table furnithed with variety of dillies, and that I canhave liberty of time to go into company, and fpend accor- ding as I Pleafe ; but Lord, thofe incomes of thySpirit chat I do find in the duties of thyWorfhip,thofe are the things that makes my life bleffed (indeed) unto me ? Such a man able thus to appeal to God, furely when he worfhips God, he is acedby high ends, and not by felf-ends And ,that's ;h .Thixd thing that.;: