Burroughs - HP BV4647 C7 B87 1670

I 2 o The rare Jewel of chriftian Contentment. do tlm I put in my fiomacb 1 Ye~, it purges out tbe fretting humor, or takes away the inflammation, and '"lilt that be taken ~rvay, the falves can do no good. So it 1S juA for all the world 1n the fouls of men, it may be there is fome afRchon upon them that. I compare to the wound; now they tbink chat the gre·arnefie of the affliction is that which makes their condition moll: ~liferabll!: Oh no, there is a frettir.g humor~ an inflammation 111 the_ heart, a mutmuring fpirit that is within thee, and that il the tnJfery of thy condition, and that muit be purged out of thee before thou canH be healed, and let God do with thee what be will, till he purges out that fretting hurnor, thy wound will not b;! healed; a murmariAg heart is-a very finful heart,fo that wben , thou art troubled for fuch an affiittion, thou hadfi need turn thy thought~_, rather to be troubled for the murmurirg of thy heart, for that's the greatefl trouble, there is an _ ~ffiiB:to.n upon thee, and that is gnevous, but there is a murmuring heart ~VHhin, and that's more grievou~. Oh that we could but conv-ince men and women that a murmuring fpirit is a greater evil than any afllttion.let the affliction be what it will be. We fhall fi1ew more a:·renvard, that a murmuring fpirit is the evil o_f the evil, and the. mifery of the mifery. _ . Secondly, The evil of murmuring is {et&h, tb11t God when f.e would /pea~ of wic~ed mm, tmd de{cribe them, an.d jhe111 tbe hrand of A wic~ed ungodly man o~ JPQ1HAI'J , he infla_nus in this #n in a more [p_eciA/ mAnner: I m1ght name mJny Scrtptures, but that Scripture in Jude is a moll remarkable one, in tbe 14 verfe,, and fo forward, there it is [aid That the Lord come.s with ten thoufands of his s~ints, to exeeute Judgeme11t upon all, And ctmvince 11/l that are ungodly llmMg !hem, of all their Nngodly dmls, which they have tmgodiJ committed, 11nd of 11/l their harel [;uches? wkich ungudly {inne~J ha1.1e fpo~en agAin{/ hizn. Mark here m this 1 s verfe, there 1S four .times mentioned ungodly ones; All that are nngod!y amo?g them, all their 11ngoJ/y deeds which they have Nngcd/y committed, and of all their hard fpeeches, .vhicb ungodly finners have Xpoken againll him : This is in t,he general. But now he. comes m the particular to thew who thefe are, thefe are ( fatth he) Murmurers; ;~hat'S the very firll. Would you knovv who are · ungod·