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·The rare Jewdof cbriftian (Jjtencrnent. 121~ ·ungodly men, _that God when he comes with te,n thoufand of ·Angel~ f1.1all come to put1ilh for all theu ungodly aeed , rhat they do, and thofe that fpeak ungodly thmgs agaiofi them ? Tbefe ·ungodly ones are Murmurers; MJrmurers m the Sw pmre are put m the fore-front ot ungodly ones, it's a mofl: dreadful Scripture , that the Lord when he fpeaks of ungodly one~, puts Murmurers in th·e very fore-from of alf, you had nei:d look to -your Spirits, you may fee that th1s Murmuring, wh1ch is the vice contrary to th is Conrentmeut,is not [o fnull a matter as you think, you think you are not [o ungodly as others, becaufe y~JU ·do not fwear and dr ink as others do, but you may be ungodly in Murmuring , it's tru~, there is no fin but ieeds and remainders of Jt are m thofe that are Godly , but when they are under the power of this fi n of Murmur in~ , it doth · convince them to be ungodly, as ~veil as if they 1vere unper the po1ver of drunkennefs, or whoredom, or any other fin, God will look upon yoa as ungodly for th1s fin, as well ~s for any fin whatfoever. Tbi~ one Sc.riptme thould make the heart {hake at the thougbt of the fin of Murmuring. ThHdfy,As it's made a brand of ungodly men,fo youll.Hll find in Scripture 1 that G-od counts it Rebellion, that is contrary to eh.;: worlh1p that there was in contentednefs: that is worlbipping of God,crouching to God and f.llling down before him, even as a dog t-hat would crouch when you hold a Hatf over him:but a Mur- . muring hea.rt it's a rebellious heart, and that you [pall find if you compare t•vo Scriptures together , they are both in the Book of Numb. 16. 41. But on the worrow (faith the Text) all the Congregation of the Chi!dren ~f 1 frad murmured agaiN{/ M ofes ani. ~tgainfl A~ron, faying , re have k}.lleJ the people of the L ord : They all m~umqred; now compare this with Chap, 1 7· and verf. l: 0, And the L ord /aid unto Mo/es, Bring Aarons rod .tg ~>~ in,be"", f9re thf te(limony to le ~ept for a to~m Againft the Rebels. In · the 16 Ch , pt. they Murmured againfi M ofes ar.d Aaron, and in. the 17 Chapr. bring the Rod of Aaron again, before the te- - . £hmony, for a token againfi the Rebe!J. So that to be aMur- ~~rer, and to be aRebel you fee in Scripture phrafe is all one, lt IS a rebell>ion arainfi God : as it is the beoinnino of rebellion and fedition in a Kingdom when the people ar~ dif,ontent ~ S and • j